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Author Topic: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR  (Read 14927 times)

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McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR
« on: 13. April 2011., 23:57:25 »
hi guys,

good news; McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 is already on the market and available through active Grand Number from Mar 28 2011.

Now it's more easier to configure, the 1st change you will get on the 1st look of the ePO is Guided Configuration setup tool ... but the basic is same as old ... lets read down for the new features

New features

Here is a summary of the new and updated features included in this release of ePolicy Orchestrator software.
Simplified installation

Now you can choose the installation option that works best for your needs: Express, Custom, or Cluster. These options simplify the decisions needed to install your ePolicy Orchestrator software.
Guided Configuration

This version of the software introduces a Guided Configuration setup tool that streamlines the process of creating a managed environment. After installation, go to the Dashboards page to use the Guided Configuration tool to perform important tasks, including:
•   Selecting McAfee software to install and deploy to your network.
•   Selecting the systems your ePolicy Orchestrator server manages.
•   Configuring policies for your managed systems.
Improved security
Enhancements designed to improve security include:
•   Automatic notification about available product updates and patches in the Software Manager from the Automatic Responses feature.
•   Better task management. When using McAfee Agent 4.6, you can now:
◦   Run any task immediately using the new Run Now feature.
◦   Assign tasks to run in response to a query or event.
◦   Assign tasks on an ad hoc basis.
Improved performance
Enhancements designed to improve performance include:
•   Reduced use of WAN bandwidth with SuperAgent repositories with McAfee Agent 4.6.
•   Improved event handling
•   Reduced Agent footprint with McAfee Agent 4.6
Software Manager

The Software Manager provides a single location within the ePolicy Orchestrator console where you can review and download McAfee software, software components, and documentation. It eliminates the need to access the McAfee download website separately for new McAfee software and updates. You can also configure notifications and automatic responses to inform you about and install updates and patches.
McAfee Agent deployment to Linux Red Hat 5.2 and Mac OS 10.5 or later

You can deploy the McAfee Agent 4.6 to client systems running Linux Red Hat version 5.2 and Mac OS X versions Leopard (10.5) and Snow Leopard (10.6) using the ePolicy Orchestrator user interface.
Client task catalog
Client tasks are now independent, reusable objects. As a result, you can:
•   Use the client task catalog to manage client task objects separately from their assignments and schedules.
•   Assign a single client task to multiple locations, each with a unique schedule.
•   Share client task objects across multiple registered ePolicy Orchestrator servers.
•   Import and export tasks to ensure consistency across your servers while reducing the effort to create a common environment.

Additionally, in this release you can run a client task on demand using the Run Client Task Now feature on systems where the McAfee Agent 4.6 is deployed. Similar to the existing Update Now feature, this action handles client tasks instead of software deployment. It is especially useful in performing troubleshooting tasks for individual or small sets of computers.
Tag-based policy assignment

Tag-based policy assignments simplify policy management. You can now use tags to assign policies. You no longer need to search the System Tree for elusive policy assignments. Tags can be used to assign policies from multiple products in one step based on business need or security status.
Dashboard enhancements

Dashboard management has been significantly streamlined and includes these enhancements:
•   A new Monitor Gallery from which you can drag and drop dashboard elements, configure options and refresh rates, and move and resize individual monitors.
•   The ability to share dashboards with groups of users, including the ability to share based on a specific permission set.
•   The option to configure default dashboard by permission sets.
•   The ability to import and export dashboards, and all associated queries.
•   Updated and expanded default dashboards.
Certificate-based authentication

ePolicy Orchestrator software fully supports certificate-based authentication, allowing more secure forms of system access. In addition, this authentication method integrates with Active Directory for ease of configuration.

You can now create detailed reports that contain multiple queries and images, configure reports to use run-time parameters to create report templates that are populated with different data sets at runtime, and customize reports on-demand or on a customized schedule.
Permission set enhancements

Three new permission set queries allow Global Administrators to easily view which users have been assigned which permissions. Permission sets can now be imported and exported.

McAfee ePO software now provides a Web API you can use to automate key ePolicy Orchestrator functionality. Use this feature to further customize and leverage ePolicy Orchestrator software in your managed environment.
Other usability enhancements
Other usability enhancements include:
•   Tabbed System Information page — The System Information page (formerly the System Details page) now includes three dashboard monitors that you can customize to display product specific information at a glance for the products each user is interested in.
•   Persistent table filters — You can now create custom filters on tables of data and save them per user.
•   Expanded drag and drop support — More places within the user interface now support drag and drop; including queries, agent repository selection lists, the System Tree, report designer, and dashboard editing pages.
•   Multi-select table rows — Now you can use "Shift + Click" to select or deselect multiple table rows.

I just sit and wonder, why!! Everything i touch it dies!!!

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McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR
« on: 13. April 2011., 23:57:25 »


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Re: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR
« Reply #1 on: 14. April 2011., 06:12:22 »
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 is already on the market and available through active Grand Number from Mar 28 2011.

Thanks for news pal.  :thumbsup:


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Re: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR
« Reply #2 on: 15. April 2011., 09:01:27 »
Thanks for news guys.. :thumbsup: This is nice to hear... :bih:


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Re: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR
« Reply #3 on: 16. April 2011., 03:24:14 »
With 4.6 release.. When is scheduled ePO 4.0 EOL?


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Re: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR
« Reply #4 on: 17. April 2011., 18:37:36 »
With 4.6 release.. When is scheduled ePO 4.0 EOL?

McAfee have announced End-Of-Life for ePO 4.0.x as 30th September 2011

I just sit and wonder, why!! Everything i touch it dies!!!

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Re: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR
« Reply #4 on: 17. April 2011., 18:37:36 »


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Re: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR
« Reply #5 on: 18. April 2011., 05:42:16 »
I have the sensation that 4.0 had a shorter life than 3.6.1...


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Re: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR
« Reply #6 on: 06. June 2011., 12:03:20 »
Thanks for informative news.And I heard McAfee are providing Saas Solutions.

Samker's Computer Forum -

Re: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 on AIR
« Reply #6 on: 06. June 2011., 12:03:20 »


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