not powssible? maybe,or not....
I prefer modifing database to using epo console just because epo console didn't keep that way for the client and I don't want one of my pc to be centralize managed. But I need epo console to collect this client firewall rules for exporting,saving,modifing and then importing,enfocing to client for the use of next time. Why so complicated? because HIP client itself cannot save firewall rules to a file for backup whether it installed directly or not. modifing database just like a "hack" to reach the goal. for example:
In epo console,all "mcafee default" rules are not editalbe,deletable, but I had found a table in epo database, after changed some values in it can turn "mcafee deault" rules editable and deletable.
by the way, if you know how to save hip client firewall rules by other means, I do not need to do things above and kick epo away immediately.