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Author Topic: Waiting Time For Family Based Green Card Sponsor ***REPOSTED?  (Read 3477 times)

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Jay J

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Hey Everyone,

I just had a quick question. My dad is a permanent resident of the US (Miami) and he has applied for me to obtain a Green Card. He has gone through a lawyer with my grandmother whom is a US Citizen. How long do you think it will take me to receive my green card? Below I listed a few points to help out with those answering my question:

- My father is financially stable
- I'm from Canada. Not somewhere like Mexico where I guess it would take longer.
- I am 18. Have no criminal record and I just received my high school diploma
- My father had me and my sisters listed on his papers when his mother filed for him but our parents didn’t want us being filed...we’re still on there…would it be faster?

*** O 1 more question. LOL. Sry. I wanna be in Miami by July. Is there anything I can do while I wait for my green card. I don’t wanna work an under the table job and have the chances of being deport

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Re: Waiting Time For Family Based Green Card Sponsor ***REPOSTED?
« Reply #1 on: 19. July 2011., 18:00:32 »
Hey Everyone,

I just had a quick question. My dad is a permanent resident of the US (Miami) and he has applied for me to obtain a Green Card. He has gone through a lawyer with my grandmother whom is a US Citizen. How long do you think it will take me to receive my green card? Below I listed a few points to help out with those answering my question:

- My father is financially stable
- I'm from Canada. Not somewhere like Mexico where I guess it would take longer.
- I am 18. Have no criminal record and I just received my high school diploma
- My father had me and my sisters listed on his papers when his mother filed for him but our parents didn’t want us being filed...we’re still on there…would it be faster?

*** O 1 more question. LOL. Sry. I wanna be in Miami by July. Is there anything I can do while I wait for my green card. I don’t wanna work an under the table job and have the chances of being deport
I dunno, sadly, but as for the work, I think the safest thing to do is to wait patiently and do some errands time to time. (like going to the supermarket, competer fixing (like, AV passes and such) until you receibe your green card.

Samker's Computer Forum -

Re: Waiting Time For Family Based Green Card Sponsor ***REPOSTED?
« Reply #1 on: 19. July 2011., 18:00:32 »


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