Just to proof that Symatec is a really good research lab, i am gonna post this!
Use the LiveUpdate feature of Norton AntiVirus/Norton Internet Security to download the security update.
Security Update 60 adds coverage for the following vulnerabilities and threats:
HTTP 1st AntiVirus Activity
HTTP Adobe Flash Plugin Remote Code
HTTP AMX VNC ActiveX Control BO
HTTP AntiSpyZone Activity
HTTP British Telecom Webhelper ActiveX BO
HTTP Cryptomathic ActiveX Control BO
HTTP Dart Zip ActiveX BO
HTTP HP Instant Support ActiveX BO
HTTP iPix Image Well Activex BO
HTTP Leadtools Raster Dialog ActiveX BO
HTTP MS MSODataSourceControl ActiveX BO
HTTP Netsprint Toolbar ActiveX BO
HTTP RKD Barcode ActiveX BO
HTTP SAP EnjoySAP Kwedit ActiveX BO
HTTP Sign Korea ActiveX BO
HTTP Sonycam SncP5View ActiveX BO
HTTP SpyCrush Activity
HTTP Surfcomp Activity
HTTP TrafficJam Activity
HTTP W32.Drom Activity
HTTP W32.Sality Activity
HTTP WinFixer Activity
HTTP Zenturi Prgchk AX Nav URL File Exec
HTTP Zenturi Fill Method ActiveX BO
The last days the company have discovered the following threats
W32.Imcontactspam@mm 07/27/2007 07/27/2007
W32.Whybo.U 07/27/2007 07/27/2007
Infostealer.Winotim 07/26/2007 07/27/2007
Linux.Backdoor.Rexob 07/26/2007 07/26/2007
W32.Imautorun 07/25/2007 07/25/2007
W32.Bratsters 07/25/2007 07/25/2007
Trojan.Firpage 07/23/2007 07/23/2007
& also updated the vulnerabilities and threats!
Check full list of updates at: