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Author Topic: FBI Child ID (download)  (Read 3331 times)

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    • - Samker's Computer Forum
FBI Child ID (download)
« on: 06. August 2011., 08:38:16 »

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has launched its first official iOS based application entitled, “FBI Child ID”.

According to iPodnn, the application has been designed to try and help with the search for missing children by allowing parents easy access to identifying information such as photos, height and weight data.

The application then allows the law enforcement agency to view the details and information on a missing child in a way that speeds up their job. It also lets the user easily send the information to authorities and gives tips on how to keep your children safe or what to do if one ever goes missing.

FBI Child ID marks the FBI’s first foray into applications on mobile phones, although it's currently only available on the iPhone or iPod touch; it is likely to become available for more devices soon.

The FBI also stated that they hope to expand the feature set for FBI Child ID in the near future, adding new photo options and other improvements over time. The FBI also said that they do not collect or store any of the information or photos that have been saved or entered into the application.


The app is a free download from the iTunes App Store:

Samker's Computer Forum -

FBI Child ID (download)
« on: 06. August 2011., 08:38:16 »


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