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Author Topic: BitDefender USB Immunizer (download)  (Read 7357 times)

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    • - Samker's Computer Forum
BitDefender USB Immunizer (download)
« on: 18. September 2011., 07:41:34 »

For years, Autorun-based malware has been atop of the worldwide e-threat landscape, with notorious representatives such as Trojan.AutorunInf, the Conficker worm (Win32.Worm.Downadup) or Worm.Autorun.VHD.

Introduced back in the Windows XP era to facilitate software installations from CD-ROM media for non-technical computer users, the Autorun feature has rapidly become the infection vector of choice for cyber-criminals.

The USB immunizer is BitDefender's response to this growing issue. This small utility is divided in two sections.

The Immunize option allows you to immunize your USB storage device or SD card against infections with autorun-based malware. Even if your storage device has been plugged into an infected computer, the piece of malware will be unable to create its autorun.inf file, thus annihilating any chance of auto-launching itself.

The Immunize Computer slider allows you to toggle the autorun feature On or Off for any removable media (except for CD/DVD-ROM devices). If you accidentally plug in an infected USB drive that has not been immunized, the computer will not auto-execute the piece of malware located on the USB storage device.

Download BitDefender USB Immunizer:

Download another great tool and protect your USB stick, "Panda Anti-Malware USB Vaccine":,4274.0.html

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BitDefender USB Immunizer (download)
« on: 18. September 2011., 07:41:34 »


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Re: BitDefender USB Immunizer (download)
« Reply #1 on: 01. April 2012., 11:14:12 »

Copy paste from todays

a 1 year license? I’ll pass, just for that!

” Re: Panda Anti-Malware USB Vaccine (download)
« Reply #8 on: 06. September 2011., 20:42:01 »
BitDefender has one like this too…~

Here is the link:

(And Panda’s version, here:

Main difference between the two versions? Panda allows to set autoplay options for DVD OR USB. BitDefender only regulates autoplay for USB.

BitDefender comes with automatic USB vaccination. Panda’s solution is manual.

I prefer BitDefender’s way, but it’s all up to you.

More information?

From Panda’s website:
“Panda USB Vaccine is a free solution designed to protect against this threat. It offers a double layer of preventive protection, allowing users to disable the AutoRun feature on computers as well as on USB drives and other devices:

Vaccine for computers: This is a ‘vaccine’ for computers to prevent any AutoRun file from running, regardless of whether the device (memory stick, CD, etc.) is infected or not.

Vaccine for USB devices: This is a ‘vaccine’ for removable USB devices, preventing the AutoRun file from becoming a source of infection. The tool disables this file so it cannot be read, modified or replaced by malicious code.

This is a very useful tool as there is no simple way of disabling the AutoRun feature in Windows. This provides users with a simple way of disabling this feature, offering a high degree of protection against infections from removable drives and devices. ”

From BitDefender’s Website:
“The USB immunizer is BitDefender’s response to this growing issue. This small utility is divided in two sections.

The Immunize option allows you to immunize your USB storage device or SD card against infections with autorun-based malware. Even if your storage device has been plugged into an infected computer, the piece of malware will be unable to create its autorun.inf file, thus annihilating any chance of auto-launching itself.

The Immunize Computer slider allows you to toggle the autorun feature On or Off for any removable media (except for CD/DVD-ROM devices). If you accidentally plug in an infected USB drive that has not been immunized, the computer will not auto-execute the piece of malware located on the USB storage device.”

One more thing :) Panda & BitDefender do NOT come with build-in antivirus. It just tackles the problem at the root.

Nobody needs autoplay USB anyway. Lock the autoplay.inf and use a REAL antivirus.

I definitively advise you the free Avast Antivirus 7. Except version 6, Avast antivirus has been the best free antivirus, surpassing with ease many commercial alternatives.

It will also NOT complain about giveawayoftheday-software like AVG & Norton will. Also comes with auto-sandbox for the newbies. Sandbox means a new program will NOT have any access to ‘your’ OS. It runs in protected mode so you (and the AV) can test what happens.



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    • - Samker's Computer Forum
Re: BitDefender USB Immunizer (download)
« Reply #2 on: 01. April 2012., 16:52:32 »
BitDefender comes with automatic USB vaccination. Panda’s solution is manual.

IMO, this is little advantage for BD.  :thumbsup:

One more thing Smiley Panda & BitDefender do NOT come with build-in antivirus. It just tackles the problem at the root.

When you mentioned this, I have remembered this USB Anti-Virus from TrustPort:

I test them one time... and lose patience...  ;D


Copy paste from todays

a 1 year license? I’ll pass, just for that!

” Re: Panda Anti-Malware USB Vaccine (download)
« Reply #8 on: 06. September 2011., 20:42:01 »
BitDefender has one like this too…~

Here is the link:


Nice promotion of SCF Community,
that mean double KARMA points, from me, to your score (right now 13).

:up: :up:


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Re: BitDefender USB Immunizer (download)
« Reply #3 on: 11. April 2012., 19:53:51 »
I definitely could use me some karma :)
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Re: BitDefender USB Immunizer (download)
« Reply #3 on: 11. April 2012., 19:53:51 »


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