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Author Topic: What Is A Virus, Worm & Trojan horse ?  (Read 8028 times)

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What Is A Virus, Worm & Trojan horse ?
« on: 04. August 2007., 17:42:49 »
Viruses are self-executing, self-replicating programs. They alter the way a computer operates without the knowledge or permission of the user. When activated, viruses may damage files, cause erratic system behavior, or display annoying messages. The ability to self-replicate differentiates viruses from Trojan horses, worms, and other virus-like programs.

Worm is a self-replicating virus that does not alter files but resides in active memory and duplicates itself. Worms use parts of an operating system that are automatic and usually invisible to the user. It is common for worms to be noticed only when their uncontrolled replication consumes system resources, slowing or halting other tasks.

Trojan horses are malicious programs disguised as something benign. They've been known to pose as games, utilities, and email attachments. Once opened, Trojan horses act much differently than you expect. Some merely annoy, sending emails to everyone in your address book. Others do serious damage, to the point of stealing passwords and data files. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses are not self-replicating.
Active Trojan horses are an advanced type of Trojan horse. They use unprotected ports to open lines of communication with your computer, and they can ultimately give hackers control over your machine. Active Trojan horses are also called Remote Access Trojans.


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What Is A Virus, Worm & Trojan horse ?
« on: 04. August 2007., 17:42:49 »


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Re: What Is A Virus, Worm & Trojan horse ?
« Reply #1 on: 10. October 2007., 08:31:59 »
What Malware is?

Malware is one of the most annoying factors which can bother computers. These insecure programs doesn’t let us feeling safe. It is designed to damage computer’s system, software. Thus malware contains computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses and also spywares, and other malicious and unwanted software. Frequently, malware is also designed to send itself from your e-mail account to all of your friends and colleagues in your address book.
Commonly the addressee doesn’t know about the problem. Malware is able to be in action unawares. The first sign is when the PC is getting slow. The other sign is when just recognize pop-ups, while we are not on the net. Software is considered malware based on the perceived intent of the creator rather than any particular features. In law, malware is sometimes known as a computer contaminant, for instance in the legal codes of California, West Virginia, and several other U.S. states.
Typically, malware is distributed in three ways: by e-mail; in an infected application; or through infected code on a Web site.
Although the most frequently distributed malware of recent years has arrived via e-mail attachment, infected Web sites and program downloads. Matt Fisher, a security engineer with SPI Dynamics, spoke recently about the nessesity of greater Web site security like an anti-hacking workshop in Toronto. Fisher said that almost every Web site has serious vulnerabilities that allow a hacker an easy access. This way the problem is that security isn't built into Web applications. As a result, an attacker can easily hack into a site simply by viewing a Web page's source.
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Re: What Is A Virus, Worm & Trojan horse ?
« Reply #2 on: 10. October 2007., 08:33:00 »
The virus hoax

The hoax is a false email message which warns the recipient of a virus. The message usually serves as a chain e-mail that tells the recipient to send it to everyone you know.
Most hoaxes are easily identified by the fact that they say the virus will make damage in your PC.
Virus hoaxes are usually harmless and just than annoy people. They just know it's a hoax or waste the time of people who forward the message. However there are so many hoaxes which just call people’s attention to if they delete the program, the computer will have damaged.
Hoaxes are not the same as computer pranks. Computer prank is a program that performs unwanted and annoying actions on a computer, like randomly move the mouse.
The anti-virus specialists advice: we should delete virus hoaxes instead of forwarding them. For example, McAfee says: "We are advising users who receive the email to delete it and DO NOT pass it on as this is how an email HOAX propagates.”

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Re: What Is A Virus, Worm & Trojan horse ?
« Reply #3 on: 10. October 2007., 08:33:48 »
What bacn is?

Bacn is not a spam but isn’t exactly a personal message either. It is only a mail that we plan to read, because we are interested in it but not right now. Your electronic phone bill is bacn. Your Google alerts are bacn. When you just get a message: “George has admitted you!” These messages about another message are important for us but usually we do not read them.

The “bacn” name was born at a Podcamp2 conference in Pittsburgh. The bacon and the uninvited mails came up in the same conversation. This name was sticked on these mails when somebody mentioned the Canadian bacon’s other name is “peameal bacon”. It sounds similar to “e-mail bacon”.

The most important question is: how can we live with it? We are able to prohibit getting such mails, but otherwise we are just late for so many information. Professional users program scripts which can select the mails. Maybe this is the best way. Specialists say: the e-mail programs will be able to select the messages.

By the time it is not realized we have to switch the messages to other map.

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Re: What Is A Virus, Worm & Trojan horse ?
« Reply #4 on: 19. January 2011., 07:06:29 »
These are very critical problem so i am usiing the best bit defender antivirus software to get rid of any type of problem and now it updates in to a new version bitdefender antivirus 2011 download, it comes in a new and advance technology to any type of viruses, worms and trojans ......

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Re: What Is A Virus, Worm & Trojan horse ?
« Reply #4 on: 19. January 2011., 07:06:29 »


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