Hi !
Ther is alway different view on Antivirus Then only is to find out what you are waiting from it.
Her is the reasent test from the Av-Test org. It is a indepentdet test organisation that tests antivirus toolkits in different views and need. Ther is offen ther is chage witch one of the toolkit who is the best one.
http://www.av-test.org/en/tests/home-user/windows-7/novdec-2012/This is probebly the only way to get a good help to find a new antivirus toolkit without any personal emotions from users. As you see in the comment abow every one have ther favorite and that also I have.
So the advise is to read the base for your selfe and then lissen to others waht thay saying and what ther advise is regarding to ther pros and consequens comment they give not just the comment when thay says that this one is grate or this one sucks. Thay need to give a better reason whay a toolkit is good or bad to make it sense the the comment.
The chois is normaly werry personal and have verry match emotional reason for the choiss ot toolkit.
As they say:
The the taste is as the ass ... Devided!