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Author Topic: Windows Server 2012 launched! (Cloud OS)  (Read 5318 times)

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    • - Samker's Computer Forum
Windows Server 2012 launched! (Cloud OS)
« on: 05. September 2012., 06:54:56 »

Microsoft starts up a string of major product launches this fall today with the launch of Windows Server 2012. While the server-based OS finalized its RTM version over a month ago, Microsoft waited until today to launch it to the general public via an online launch event:

In a post on the official Microsoft blog: , Satya Nadella, the head of Microsoft's Server and Tools Business, says that the launch of Windows Server 2012 represents the company's commitment to making what he calls the "Cloud OS". He states:

"The Cloud OS does what operating systems have always done: manage hardware and provide a platform for applications. But it also expands to include services and technologies that have not previously been considered part of an operating system. The Cloud OS needs to bring together all the services required by end users, developers and IT to truly reap the benefits of the Cloud."

Some companies are already using Windows Server 2012. According to Microsoft, based on a survey of some of these early users, state that these companies expect "on average, 52 percent reduction in downtime, 41 percent reduction in workload deployment time, and 15 hours of productivity time saved per year" by using Windows Server 2012.

Microsoft has already announced the different SDK versions of Windows Server 2012, along with their prices. It has also confirmed that it will not make a new version of its Windows Home Server product.


Samker's Computer Forum -

Windows Server 2012 launched! (Cloud OS)
« on: 05. September 2012., 06:54:56 »


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Re: Windows Server 2012 launched! (Cloud OS)
« Reply #1 on: 07. September 2012., 02:23:54 »
yes man, it's on the market already and hoping will be another stronger server from Microsoft ... not checked yet even already have it but not getting time to work on it .. will check soon.

I just sit and wonder, why!! Everything i touch it dies!!!

Samker's Computer Forum -

Re: Windows Server 2012 launched! (Cloud OS)
« Reply #1 on: 07. September 2012., 02:23:54 »


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