Hi S.,
That particular item has been removed with HJT.
I also ran two additional full scans, one with ESET Online scanner and one after downloaded/installed NOD AntiVirus 5.2.9, Trial version from ESET site. Both scans returned ...
no infection!!I uninstalled NOD Trial and returned to Panda Cloud Antivirus Free, installed since yesterday.
A "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware" scan returned no infection, too!
During this night, I'll leave Panda to scan all my external HDD's, scanning the "compressed" files also. Maybe something remains hidden-inactive there for the time being, but it will be activated again at a moment .. who knows??
Regarding the (infected) files found ...
1. C:\Program Files\Quick Virus Remover\uninstall.exe - Found as infected by Hitman Pro/Cloud and finally left Cloud to delete it.
I had installed it, but checked the installation file prior installation with MSE/Malwarebytes, as I am used to do with every file from not known and famous sites!!2. C:\Program Files\Dictionaries Explorer II\MgDE2.exe (Application of English-Greek Disctionary) - Found infected by Hitman Pro only, not Cloud or Malwarebytes or ESET Online Scanner. I use that application on my wife's PC for years and no ESET Smart Security nor Malwarebytes have reported anything so far. Anyway, it has been replaced with it's original version from developer company ... just in case

Best regards