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Author Topic: Protect yourself without sacrificing performance and mobility  (Read 2307 times)

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Protect yourself without sacrificing performance and mobility

Most of us lock our doors, shut down our computers, and lock up easily stolen items such as bicycles. But we think nothing of traveling around with unprotected mobile devices. We may understand the threats to our computers, but fail to take basic measures to stop the same threats—and an increasing number of others—to our smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other mobile devices.
Fortunately, it’s easy to improve mobile security while maintaining the performance and mobile freedom you already enjoy. By following a few simple tips, you can dramatically reduce the chances of computer viruses, spyware, data loss, and device theft.
What do you have to lose? The statistics may surprise you.

Read more at Intel

How can you make your devices more secure?
It’s easier than ever to protect your devices and locate them if they go missing. You can get started right now with these simple steps that will keep you safe and sound, while enhancing your freedom to stay connected.

6 fast tip to secure:

1. Use a PIN or password

Locking your device with a PIN or password is the fastest, simplest thing you can do to safeguard your laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.

2. Back up your data often

Keep electronic copies of your photos, phone numbers, and other valuable information. It’s relatively easy to do, and many smartphones and tablets can back up data wirelessly.

3. Mark your device

Should your device go missing, make it easy for someone to know how to return it. Tip: Take a screen grab of your emergency contact number and use it as your phone's or tablet’s lock screen.

4. Write down serial numbers

Keep a record of your device serial numbers somewhere other than on the device itself.

5. Install security software

New integrated software can tell you the location of a missing device, allow you to back up data automatically, and also lock down your devices in the event of theft—all via remote command.

6. Protect your device

Ultrabook™ and select laptops powered by an Intel® Core™ processor have hardware-based Intel® Anti-Theft Technology that makes it possible for you to lock a lost or stolen device.

Read more at Intel
Their is two easy way to configure a system!
Every thing open and every thing closed.
Every thing else is more or less complex.

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Re: Protect yourself without sacrificing performance and mobility
« Reply #1 on: 08. December 2012., 08:51:17 »
Always good to remind...   :thumbsup:

Thanks P.

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Re: Protect yourself without sacrificing performance and mobility
« Reply #1 on: 08. December 2012., 08:51:17 »


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