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Author Topic: (=<`$9]7<5YXz7wT.3,+O/o'K%$H"'~D|#z@b=`{^Lx8%$Xmrkpohm-kNi; gsedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVU  (Read 3293 times)

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: ) the things people do...

You think yourself a coder?

What does this do?


Any idea?

Should print Hello World :|

:) came across it in Elementary S01E10 (Leviathan).

The programming language is called Malbolge.

Copy paste from:

" Malbolge is a public domain programming language invented by Ben Olmstead in 1998.
The peculiarity of Malbolge is that it was designed to be the worst possible programming language (i.e., the most difficult to use). As such it is an Esoteric programming language.

The difficulty of programming in Malbolge is evidenced by the fact that the first Malbolge program ever written came to birth 2 years after the invention of the language! Moreover, it was not written by a human being; instead, it was generated by a beam search algorithm designed by Andrew Cooke [1] and implemented in Lisp.

According to the documentation that comes with Malbolge, it is designed to emulate a simple trinary machine. This, in and of itself, isn't difficult to handle; what makes Malbolge truly difficult is that the compiler takes a character, finds the ASCII value, applies modulus 92 on it, and then uses that as its command. It then increments a counter which it will add to future values.

There is some argument that Malbolge is not Turing complete, i.e. it cannot be used to program a computer to do everything. Due to the difficulty inherent in implementing a program in Malbolge, definitive proof that it is, indeed, Turing complete may never come.

Hello World in Malbolge

This Malbolge program displays "HEllO WORld".

gsedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543s+O  "

Noooo karma for its inventor ;p


~~~ ~~~

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Re: about esoteric programming
« Reply #1 on: 16. February 2013., 22:23:27 »

" Esoteric programming language

Esoteric programming languages are programming languages which are designed as a proof of concept, or as jokes, and not with the intention of being adopted for real-world programming. Consequently, usability is rarely a high priority for such languages. The usual aim is to remove or replace conventional language features while still maintaining a language that is Turing-complete.

The earliest esoteric language was Intercal, designed in 1972 with the stated aim of being as fundamentally unlike any existing language as possible. Other noteworthy esoteric languages are (for a more complete list, see List of esoteric programming languages):

Brainfuck, a Turing tarpit consisting of only eight instructions
Unlambda, an even more minimal language based on the functional programming paradigm
Befunge, in which programs are arranged on a two-dimensional grid
Malbolge, designed to be the hardest programming language ever invented.
Whitespace, a programming language where only whitespace (space, tab, newline) matters.
INTERCAL, a programming language designed to have as little as possible in common with any other programming language
A related pursuit among programming language enthusiasts is the writing of obfuscated code. "

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I'd better program directly on binary...

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