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Author Topic: windows 8 x64 has problems with command prompt commands (app not found, ...)  (Read 3729 times)

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Copy-Paste Devnullius:
"I use IOBit Start Menu and Search for and elevate start a cmd.exe.

I too cannot start telnet.exe (I Googled for: windows 8 telnet.exe file is in system32 but in cmd command prompt command not found).

I have a similar problem with TFTP.exe. If I explicitly click this one in explorer, a Win 8 error pops up that this App isn't compatible with my version of Windows (8 Enterprise x64).

So I was pretty sure IOBit was at cause, for a reboot did not seem to fix it... *

Testing now confirms: search for cmd.exe with 32 bit start-menu program will start x86 cmd-prompt, and cause all problems.

NOW HOW TO START A x64 COMMAND PROMPT?? FROM: , quote: "Remark: Windows 8 has no Run... option or a Start menu (and Windows 7 users should first enable Run...-option with Menu Properties).

In general, Windows 8 users should first start a search for: run

The Run... command will appear! You can pin it to your task bar now or just start it... I found this information here: .

Also, Windows 8 users could use: Classic Start Menu (tip from:

Then they too will have their Run... option back (ànd a regular start menu)..."

So with a search with a 32 bit start menu program for "run" you can start the "run" command and start "cmd.exe" in 64 bit mode :)

BUT I did NOT test the Classic Start Menu-option... That one might fail? I used IOBit's solution...!

And now, I can finally follow (Dutch) instructions for re-firmwaring my / 2012/03/12 / ziggo-firmware-netgear-wnr3500-v2-vervangen-door-originele-netgear-firmware ;p

Thanks for all expert replies here! Much obliged!



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* Pretty sure, but not 100% - might have been a sloppy log-off instead of full reboot, might be that I THINK I tested after the reboot and dit not OR even a really long delay of the actual file movementseven after a reboot (before the reboot, explorer would show the files, cmd.exe would not - also not after attrib -s -h -r...) One should test for herself when in doubt!!"
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Did you add telnet client in Windows Options, right?

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