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Author Topic: Androïd (4.2.2) Hidden CPU resources consume up to 98% performance :(  (Read 6528 times)

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My transfer from 4.1.2 to 4.2.1 on my Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 did not go as planned ;p

This is what I notice...

My phone is VERY sluggish all of a sudden. To be fair, more people experienced high CPU usage on fresh Android install by unknown source. Many troubleshootings later, the only thing that seems to work is just wait 2 to 4 days... They say Android needs time to feel home and that takes a few days.

Whatever! I want my phone now and I don't think it's normal  :down:

First I need to confirm it's a CPU problem.

I confirmed that with: Resource Monitor Mini ( It shows me my CPU is mostly above 95%, only to go down to say 8% sporadically.

I installed terminal IDE: and did a 'top'.

Here the mystery begins. Top and many other tools like it show a discrepancy... They all say my CPU usage is well within reason! Nothing going on, nothing wrong :s When I add all processes' CPU usage, it's way below what Resource Monitor Mini is telling me. And the phone really is unusably slow!

It does not make sense and one even gets to think about malware (thanx Pez! ;p)*.

Annoyed by this, I went on searching for tools which would show me THE REAL ANDROID CPU USAGE! I mean, come on! How hard can it be?? ;p

Some threads further, I was pointed to: Watchdog TM Lite (

And for real! Watchdog DOES show the real current CPU usage. When I add all numbers, they make sense again! So take that, 'top' ;p

Soon enough I was alarmed by Watchdog that 2 processes are running amok :s

1. kswapd0 - Linux process 53% (10 alerts)
2. Android-system - Foreground 51% (4 alerts)

Dunno why. Enough time lost. I'm gonna start fresh, again :) I don't want to wait another 3 days. This time I will use Titanium Backup to ONLY restore User Apps. See if that helps (though, at first, after the migration, all was well).



~~~ ~~~

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* Pez's article - I used McAfee's new beta tool. All is clean :),8225.msg20930.html#msg20930
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 ??? While writing this all down, I noticed my phone started working properly again...  :o This after 3 days... 20 minutes ago it all still was bad!

Only thing that I can imagine (besides the 2 day wait) is that there was something going on with Media Gallery / Photos.

Because I wanted to start fresh all over, I tried to copy DCIM from internal to external. This time, it always failed / hanged and even rebooted my phone. Something with a thumbnail goes wrong. In the end only 1 photo was still on internal memory, so I just manually transferred the photo to DCIM backup folder on external card.

From that point on, all seems well. Still lots of CPU usage going on, but phone reacts (and I do have a lot of tools running in the background ; ).



PS: if I had to guess what CAUSED this "bug"... My first bet is Titanium backup Pro :) OR merging two DCIM folders... All those pesky hidden .files! :S
EVEN SD-Card corruption I deem possible ;p

POST-EDIT PS, 28th of June: also, do not connect your phone to your PC when using Titanium Backup Pro...,8232.msg20952.html#msg20952
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Is it a stock Samsung rom? :p


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but of course!

All non-stock ROMs gave me so many problems... :( Script-kiddies cannot do better than Samsung ;p

:) devnullius
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ever tried with official CM Rom?
Works like a charm for my Ace :p
Gonna put CM10.1 on it (again) when I get a class 10 sd...

About that ROM.. well, its says clearly experimental and unreleased...

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still... working like a charm now ;pp

I'm putting more and more money on the fact that there are bad sectors on MY superfast 10yr warranty card... (the other one crashed already too!)

And that is what was causing the problems in the end.

LOST+FOUND folder had many garbage in it :s Also copying a huge (>2GB) from internal memory to SD-Card failed or crashed the phone or gave a corrupted zip when restoring.

This would also explain the problems I had with Titanium Backup Pro (for now restore went just fine and my phone is working like a charm, with less battery usage than ever before. I might be able to actually use my phone for 4 hours without recharging! ;pp)

And it would even explain older problems I keep having with Online Nandroid Backup (*+ROOT&c=apps). Despite M5 hash usually checks out, it keeps failing to restore my phone.

Sigh... Anyone knows of any good Androïd file system check tools? I found some info, but... Too complex, for now ;p


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