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Author Topic: [solved] Titanium Backup Pro keeps hanging / stalling / doing nothing :S  (Read 4239 times)

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For almost a week now I'm playing and testing Apps restoration with Titanium backup Pro.

I encountered many problems*

I think I now may add 1 reason for these problems.

To my surprise, with the latest (!) version restoration of Apps & Settings would sometimes go without a glitch, and sometimes would hang / stall / idle / do nothing time over time again while restoring.

What's going wrong is that I sometimes have my phone connected through USB with my computer. Remember, TTB needs USB debugging enabled. Dunno why, but it warns for this. When connected to my PC, the mysterious hangs would occur.

When connected to the wall socket (power!), all went well...


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The USB Debugging comes because some SU binaries (like superuser) need USB Debigging ON in order to work properly :p
From what I know, superSU and koushik's SU don't need that.
Remember that if you mount the sd for the PC, android loses access to the FAT partition, where the backups are located.


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I'm on superSU, so that should be ok :)


"Remember that if you mount the sd for the PC, android loses access to the FAT partition, where the backups are located."

Not true*, at least not on my Siii. I am now copying clockworkmod folder from extSDcard through Windows and still can browse the external card locally...

Till repost :)


* but I'm not sure if I'm actually on FAT or on something different...
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At least that's how 2.x worked... I don't remember reading they changed that...
Maybe a byproduct of SD emulation on S3?

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