http://scforum.info/index.php/topic,7919.msg20729.html#msg20729Should work (although since last few hours it has been offline - which never happens...)
Also, a re-start of your browser is needed to update DNS cache and settings...
Also, I copy-paste (I haven't confirmed this fragment yet)
"Recently they updated their program from version 1.04 to 1.05. Coincidently, I tried to install / activate tunlr.net on the pc's of two friends of mine. Both times it did not work! No pandora, no hulu Luckily there were still some mirrors up with the old version 1.04. Installed that one and all worked as expected. It did not make sense, for 1.05 did change the dns settings (according to ipconfig /all). - See more at:
http://scforum.info/index.php?topic=7919.0#sthash.ZN3InVzu.dpuf "
Let me know...