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  • (01. January 2010., 10:27:49)

Author Topic: chkdsk cannot open volume for direct access 766f6c756d652e63 3f1  (Read 8357 times)

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KW's: chkdsk cannot open volume for direct access autochk cannot run recently installed package use system restore feature control panel unspecified error occurred 766f6c756d652e63 3f1

Another unsolvable one. When it rains... Sigh :s

Problem description by Claude1777 (


Different Copy Pastes... All leading to nothing - I'm gonna try a system repair upgrade - something not mentioned by anyone...

"Checking file system on C: The type of the file system is NTFS Volume label is OS. One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly reccomended that you continue. Windows will now check the disk. Cannot open volume for direct access. Autochk cannot run due to an error caused by a recently installed software package. Use the system restore feature from the control panel to restore the system to a point prior to the recent software package installation. An unspecified error occurred (766f6c756d652e63 3f1)

Then the system goes on to the log-in screen and there are no further problems."

... and Johannes Franke ( really gives THE BEST run-down of the problems:
"I'm having similar trouble with Windows 7 for some time now. At first, only one PC was affected so I thought it might be a hardware defect, but today my notebook showed the very same symptoms. Since using Windows 7, I havereinstalled the PC four times now due to the error described below because there seems no way to recover the system once this has happened (except for using conventional full-disk backups). No installation on that PC has run more than two months until this happened. The notebook was set up in February and was by now the oldest Windows 7 installation I have. It is my most important machine at work. I cannot afford a single hour without it. It's driving me crazy! This has cost me days already!

Here is what I'm experiencing and found out so far:
on every bootup, the PC announces drive C: must be checked
this check cannot be suppressed even though there is a countdown
CHKDSK ends in an error that says that a previously installed software package caused a file system corruption and the system should be reset to an earlier state with a system restore. A second later, that cursed "unknown error" line is appended:766f6c756d652e63 3f1
Windows will boot up shortly after that though, and I can log on and use the system
Tools like O&O Defrag 12 (x64) or Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 won't let me defrag or backup the partition as they both say the partition is corrupt
System Restore cannot execute because it says the partition is corrupted (!) - this is what CHKDSK recommended to to eventually!
the Explorer-integrated file system check won't run as the partition is of course used at that time, and recommends checking on the next bootup which produces the same result again
about 3 weeks after the problem is announced the first time, the computer will not boot up completely but fail with a BSOD after the CHKDSK phase.
to resolve the problem, a full disk format, followed by a full reinstallation of Windows 7 (or restoring from a previous setup where the error did not occur) is all I can do
calling CHKDSK with no parameters from an Administrator command prompt will scan for a while and then say it found no errors. If no parameters are specified, the CHKDSK is in read-only mode, otherwise it cannot run during a Windows session
I think that a common factor is that Microsoft Security Essentials upgraded itself and requested a reboot as one of the last actions before the problem started occurring

I DON'T think that the reason can be found here:

General Hardware : as the two systems affected are totally different from each other but show the exact same error message on bootup, I don't think that any part of hardware is the cause of this problem
Hard Disk Drive : I have also exchanged the hard disk for a completely new one, but soon the error came back
Antivir : there are known problems with AntiVir which caused CHKDSK to be launched on ever bootup. However, both systems have never seen AntiVir but only Microsoft Security Essentials.
BIOS : I found a BIOS update for my PC that is supposed to fix an error with SATA access and high amounts of memory (4-8GB). Can't say if it helps because since updating the error didn't appear again on my PC, but I wouldn't say that the update has definitely fixed the root cause

Advice that didn't work:
giving the system reserved partition a drive letter - just tried it with the notebook, no effect at all even though I can browse the partition with Windows Explorer. The bootup issue remains.
playing around with BIOS options (particularly in the SATA area) - why should this help when the computer worked for months with no change here?
trying to repair with the Windows 7 installation DVD and using the repair tools offered there
using different hardware - hard disk on PC exchanged, didn't solve issue, second PC (notebook) is now affected by the very same issue
booting into safe mode and running CHKDSK or the GUI disk scanner - wants a reboot, and after that the same CHKDSK issue keeps happening
Common factors (both systems are using):
Windows Ultimate 7 x64 (German), both running the latest hotfixes (WSUS)
NT Domain members of my business domain
Microsoft Security Essentials
Acronis Backup & Recovery 10
O&O Defrag 12 (x86)
Microsoft Office 2010 (German)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Tools
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 SP6
Microsoft Visual Studio (the PC has VS2008, on the notebook I am running VS2010 Beta)
DevExpress 2009 v3 Controls Suite
Mozilla Firefox 3.6
Trillian Astra 4.2
Steam Client
Adobe Reader 9
I'm going to try tonight to run CHKDSK from the DVD recovery console, but frankly I don't believe this will be getting me somewhere.
There are lots of advice on how to resolve the problem. None of them seems to work for me. But even if there were a solution, why does it happen at all? I've never had such issues with Windows XP before? How can I prevent this from happening in the future, instead of waiting for it and resolving it then?
Please let me know as my belief in Windows 7 as a stable platform starts disappearing...
Thanks a lot!

"Wonderful, now it's happened again, and even a full disk format of the system and the program partition (C and D) plus a full retore of both volumes with Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 didn't solve it! The chkdsk error was back right when the system started after recovery was finished.
What can I do now? The system will run up, but again, backup of the system are no longer possible, and it will again die bit by bit until I have to reinstall from scratch. This is really starting to piss me off!"

... and also Avacama (
"I've been searching for an answer to this problem myself for weeks now, I too am left with no other solution but to reformat and install a recent image.
The forum is full of "cookie cutter" solutions pasted in by MS personel, but not one thread ends with a confirmation by the user that the suggested fix actually worked.  They just end.
I've tried the safe mode thing, I've used msconfig to turn off all my services, I've used the Windows 7 startup repair disk, checked the bootexecute registry location, etc.  Nothing works except restore a prior image, until the problem returns.  In all the years of running Windows XP, I never had a corrupt disk or had problems running chkdsk once, but after only 1 month of Windows 7, I've run into this 4 times also.
I just can't believe that with the prevelance of this issue that MS doesn't have some sort of utilitiy that can dig into the OS and force it to resolve the conflict at boot that chkdsk (autochkexe) experiences with the 766f6c756d652e633f1 error code, "cannot open volume for direct access" issue.
Can anyone give me a solution other than one of the ones mentioned above that will actually work?"

"I don't run AVG.  I finally just booted with my Windows 7 repair disk, opened a command prompt, and ran chkdsk with the /r /f options, scanning the entire disk, which by the way reported hours later that no corruption or bad files existed whatsoever.  In other words, the OS falsely detected a corruption on the drive at boot & auto-ran chkdsk.  This is also on an HP machine.  Nevertheless, running chkdsk from the Win7 repair CD did  stop or clear the OS from auto-running chkdsk at boot. So that fixes my disk which didn't really need fixed in the first place, but it doesn't address the problem with chdsk (or whatever program I choose) not being able to gain direct access to a volume at Windows 7 boot.  I've got 4 or 5 programs installed that optionally run pre-Windows drive related utilities at boot (for example, Acronis True Image, Paragon Partition Manager, PerfectDisk, etc) and I'm just not willing to throw a dart at a dartboard in the hope that I hit on the one program that's interfering and then having to do without it just because chkdsk won't run with it installed.  Surely there has to be a way of modifying a registry key, .ini file, or running a utility to tell the OS what program is to have direct access to a volume at boot.  To me, this is a serious flaw in Windows architecture.  Having scanned all of the forums, I see a lot of MVP's throwing a lot of darts themselves, but I have yet to see any of them address this issue of chkdsk direct access priority at boot."

... and also Tunz@ ( in :
"When I had this error I mounted the drive in another computer. AUTOCHK ran on startup and corrected the errors. When the drive was placed back in the original drive the problem was gone.
I'm not sure what caused it in the first place but there was one bad DIMM which was replaced.
I also reinstalled the printer with a new driver."

So ...

Another system with all softwares lost only for a chkdsk bug...?

Thing I have in common (software-wise) with the other people above...

- Kaspersky
- Windows 7 x86 ultimate
- Paragon
- Acronis Backup & Recovery (most suspect??)

Till repost! :(

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