Turf best game and exercise App for Android and now also for iPhone!How to start Turf
Note! The app is totally free just your telecom providers fee for data traffic.1. Download Turf Dowload Turf from
Google Play or
Apple App Store by searching for "turf".
2. Start Turf Start the Turf application and follow the tutorial. (Don't forget to press the button in the lower left corner to activate the GPS if you skip the tutorial.)
3. Take zones Go to any red or yellow zone and stand inside it with your mobile phone to take it.
4. Win Earn medals by performing special tasks. Win real life prizes by placing yourself first in a round of Turf (every month). Become Region lord by owning the most zones in a region. And much more...
"click the images to make them larger!"What is Turf?Zones A zone can have 4 colors, clicking a zone brings up the zone information. A red zone color means it is owned by someone else. Yellow indicates no one owns it yet. Green indicates that you own the zone. White just indicates that the zone is selected and has no tactical importance. When a zone is shown as striped it means that the zone is blocked. A zone becomes blocked up to 30 minutes after someone has taken it. A blocked zone can not be taken.
The game layout The bar on the top of the map is indicating your current status.

The left value with the + sign indicates how many points you currently gain per hour. The right value with the 'z' indicates how many zones you currently have. The numbers in the middle shows your current points. The thin bar below the points show how much more you'll need to gain one level.
Indicators The green person indicates your position. The yellow person sitting on a cloud is your position calculated by wireless networks, but since its not as precise as GPS you cannot take any zones with this location, it’s only to get the map to center on your location as fast as possible. The red person indicates someone elses position, pressing it brings up the user information. The orange alert indicates that someone is taking or has taken a zone that is not yours. The red alert indicates that one of your zones has been taken. The green alert with a plus sign is indicating that its a brand new zone on that place.

You have also all your statistic on your finger tip.

And their is also possible to see other statistic and your Turf rounds in you personal warded account.
http://warded.se/turf/MedalsYou also get Medals if you preformed a special task. Her is some examples:

You can find more about the different Medals her:
http://turfgame.com/info/medalsPrizes Every round of Turf is one month long and is followed by prizes being awarded to the winners.
Prizes are usually awarded to place 1 - 5.
Examples of previous prizes are: Droidstuff.se coupons, Dreamhack Tickets, T-shirts, Turf hats.
More Info about TurfYou can get more info about Turf true visit:
http://turfgame.com/http://wiki.turfgame.com/en/wiki/Main_Pagehttp://forum.turfgame.com/http://turfgame.com/map_fullscreen.phpPlease help to spread Turf game also in your country!Main country's today with active Turfer's is!
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA.
If your country is missing you can download and install the App and look for the zones around you and take them because their is zones also in non active country's for traveling turfers. More activity in a country gives more zones to take!
You can also place a request post in the Turf forum to the Turf team to activate your country.
http://forum.turfgame.com/ Please tag or a reference also this forum thread in your message as the place you have seen info about Turf.