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Author Topic: Bypass Windows 8 Security warning for downloaded files and warez  (Read 3956 times)

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Well I never!  :down:

After multiple extractions my 3GB archive, downloaded from, became a new executable: a wrapper that, after a password, will present me with a nice menu to point-and-click extract different "evaluation" softwares. Done it before, no problem!


No! I found the "default" solution (e.g. not working. And the "Unlock" option is ONLY for network-accessed files... UNC and stuff.

And it will generate a nasty warning in the system tray.

And it does not solve the problem; when I try to run the downloaded program file, all I get is:

Windows Security: These files can't be opened. Your internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened.
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I do not use IE, I use chrome.

What is this strange behaviour?? :(

I found this link with detailed but not-working steps for Windows 8 x64, including screenshots:

Finally I found a solution here:

Re-edited Copy Paste from Caliban's user comment (

It's quite simple, NTFS attached a data stream (that IDs "unsafe files") to the file when it is just downloaded from the Internet.

Do recursively remove this stream for all files, follow these steps :

Download the Streams CLI executable from Microsoft .

Put the streams.exe executable in your Windows directory (or anywhere that the system can find it)

Run this line in the command line :

streams -s -d directory

It will then remove all of the data streams from all files recursively in the directory - you have now successfully unblocked all files.

You won't see anything happen, that is good. If you do see something, your path is probably wrong ;p Try the full path name, in double quotes "FQFN"

DO TAKE NOTICE! Some other user comments on this solution...
- Might be dangerous. Windows also uses streams for other purposes. –  harrymc Sep 9 '09 at 15:41
- Very rare - data streams are hardly used for anything since it's an undocumented feature. It will be safe if as schnapple has said - he just wants to unblock files in a certain directory that are known to be documents received over the internet. At no point in time am I recommending him to do _streams -s -d C:_ :) –  caliban Sep 9 '09 at 15:46
- just checked (since Streams is an undocumented feature it's hard to verify though) with some people, and they believe that once a document is transferred over the Internet or go through anything other than NTFS, it loses all stream data. As a result, when you first download something from the Internet, the only data stream you will have is that "Unsafe File" data stream. –  caliban Sep 9 '09 at 15:54
- Why do you think they're not documented? ( –  Reuben Sep 9 '09 at 16:12
- Don't blindly delete all alternate data streams, unless you have backup copies of those NTFS encrypted files. –  Ian Boyd Dec 15 '09 at 20:51

.. Karma!


~~~ ~~~

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Very unconvenient, typing folder names... So a better solution that does not involve typing (and mistakes!), the next comment was very interesting too!

AlternateStreamView can list all alternate NTFS streams for files in a directory (and sub-directories if desired).

Delete all streams marked ":Zone.Identifier:$DATA" for the selected files to get rid of the security blocks.

This leads to good ol' Nirsoft:



*except for Windows ;p
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