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Author Topic: Diagram your processes easily with Bizagi Process Modeler  (Read 4794 times)

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Diagram your processes easily with Bizagi Process Modeler

by Jason Hamilton on December 30, 2013 in Software
Bizagi Process Modeler is a freeware component of the Bizagi BPM Suite. It allows you to accurately model your processes using BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), a standard for graphical representation of processes. For example, processes start with an event, represented by a circle, then a task might be performed, a rectangle, and a decision, a diamond, might be made along the path. The processes are organized in swimlanes to keep processes separate and time is generally represented as the processes moves left to right.

bizagi diagram Diagram your processes easily with Bizagi Process Modeler

Bizagi Process Modeler is a very nice tool to write out these processes and is completely free. By representing your process visually, it makes it easier to explain and may allow you to optimize it as you see a more efficient way of doing things.

Bizagi allows you to save your process in their own format or you can export the diagram as an image, Visio file, XPDL, or an XML file of attributes. You can also publish it as a Word document, PDF, HTML file or send it to a Sharepoint or Mediawiki server.

From the company, on being freeware:

Our Process Modeler is a freeware, not a trial, and will remain as a free module of the Bizagi BPM Suite. Our business model is based on selling licenses for the rest of the BPM Suite, which is used to build and execute process applications. If you only use the Process Modeler, then NO investment is required.

You can download the 32-bit or 64-bit Bizagi Process Modeler for Windows free from


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