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Author Topic: If you have an ASUS router your wallet is in major danger of being stolen  (Read 2331 times)

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If you have a: RT-AC66R, RT-AC66U, RT-N66R, RT-N66U, RT-AC56U, RT-N56R, RT-N56U, RT-N14U, RT-N16, and RT-N16R.


Those routers allow network storage. But their default FTP settings allows anonymous login. (everybody on the internet can modify your files on the hard drive hooked up to that router)

A certain imageboard is going through all the IP addresses and looking for cryptocurrency wallets. Please shibes, do not be a victim, update your firmware as soon as possible. If you have your wallet backed up on a hard drive with such a router, it is just a matter of time before someone takes all your coins!

I am not going to link any articles as they include thousands of IP addresses of people with that router.


How to upgrade

    ASUSGATE: A story about thousands of crimeless victims Life is full of joy and woe. This story is about woe.

    ASUSTeK Computer Inc (ASUS) have spent the better part of a year ignoring the fact that their RT-series routers suffer from two CRITICAL security vulnerabilities.

        Default setting for the ftp-server was to allow anonymous login. ASUS calls this feature “limitless access rights”. We call this madness.
        AiCloud usernames and passwords were stored in plaintext in a file available for download without logging in. We call this insanity.

    Not only did they ship RT-routers with these vulnerabilities and ignore Kyle Lovetts emails and phonecalls informing them about them. They also failed to provide firmware upgrades where these vulnerabilities were removed for another SIX months. Did they even perform security audits on their products before releasing them? Considering the use of plain-text storage of login credentials we have a really hard time believing they did. This is not rocket surgery. Anyone with the slightest knowledge or interest in “security” would know this is unforgivable. Vulnerability #1 (FTP) gives EVERYONE on the internet access to attached USB storage making it possible to download and upload files. >You do not need an untamed imagination to realize the implications this has.

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