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Author Topic: January 2014 #SecChat Wrap-up — Threat Predictions  (Read 2163 times)

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January 2014 #SecChat Wrap-up — Threat Predictions
« on: 25. February 2014., 10:47:39 »
January 2014 #SecChat Wrap-up — Threat Predictions

Threats seem to be top of mind for the masses of late—with three large-scale attacks on major brands already this year, potentially compromising the financial data and identity of millions. And things don’t show signs of slowing down. Each year, security threats become more sophisticated and difficult to identify, with 2014 expected to be the same. Cybercriminals are constantly looking for new avenues of penetration into enterprise systems and consumer data, while security professionals across the board are wondering where the next attack will come from and how they’ll combat the growing variety of potential breaches aimed at their network and endpoint defenses.

With this in mind, McAfee Labs researchers recently released the McAfee Labs 2014 Threats Predictions report, detailing what we see as the biggest security concerns for the next 12 months.

Mobile malware, ransomware, social attacks, and big data topped our list. However, while compiling the report, we decided that we probably weren’t the only security professionals with predictions. So on January 30, we hosted a Twitter chat with Adam Wosotowsky, McAfee Labs Anti-Spam Operations Technology Principal, and Ryan Sherstobitoff, McAfee Labs Threat Researcher, to spark conversation around the topic.

For about an hour, security professionals and other interested individuals gathered on Twitter to talk shop around a variety of security issues—from big data to high-profile breaches. Below are some highlights from the chat.

What are your security predictions?

We started off by opening the floor to anyone who wanted to share their own ideas on 2014 threats. We saw two common threads emerge. First, a number of security professionals cited specific types of attacks they predicted to be on the rise in 2014

See more comments at the original article below:

Original article: By McAfee Labs on Feb 07, 2014
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January 2014 #SecChat Wrap-up — Threat Predictions
« on: 25. February 2014., 10:47:39 »


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