This describes it pretty well... I lost *all* my history, again! Also my open tabs. This really sucks, even when Opera is 'just' my video browser accidentally closed an instance of Opera with multiple tabs. There was another window with a couple of tabs running.
I have closed and restarted Opera in the hope it will retrieve the windows at startup (it usually asks if I want to continue from last time).
Is there a way I can retrieve my closed window with all the tabs? I cannot see them in the history either, probably because when I switched on my PC the Internet connection was down and the pages didn't load.
When you are in luck, these two tips might save you: did not save me
So I created a few batch scripts to end this problem once and for all!
Assuming C: is your %SystemDrive%...
Create folder: C:\CheCKDiSK\Opera.bat\
Create file 1: start_and_backup-Opera.12.bat
Edit with the following content:
@echo off
echo Starting backup first...
cd "%AppData%\Opera\Opera Next\sessions"
IF EXIST auto*.-- copy auto*.-- auto*.---
IF EXIST auto*.- copy auto*.- auto*.--
IF EXIST auto*.bak copy auto*.bak auto*.ba-
IF EXIST auto*.win copy auto*.win auto*.-
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera Next"
cd "%AppData%\Opera\Opera Next\"
xcopy .\sessions\*.* .\sessions.bak\*.* /Y
Create 2nd file: GO.bat
Edit with contents:
@echo off
cd "C:\CheCKDiSK\Opera.bat"
%comspec% /c start "" /min "C:\CheCKDisk\Opera.bat\start_and_backup-Opera.12.bat"
Create 3th file: shortcut to GO.bat. works:
Create shortcut to your batch file GO.bat
Open shortcut Properties
Edit the Target, change it to:
%windir%\System32\cmd.exe /C "C:\Checkdisk\Opera.bat\GO.bat"
You can now pin the .bat file (tested Windows 8.0 x64)