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Author Topic: [Task] [ISR] Isracoin - 15 ISR task  (Read 2178 times)

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[Task] [ISR] Isracoin - 15 ISR task
« on: 11. May 2014., 13:59:31 »

Isracoin on BTER 15 ISR [TASK] giveaway!

This is a series of short tasks, as follows:

1. Send an email to include the following: "Please add Isracoin!"
2 Make sure you BCC the email to so we know the email was sent.
3. Make sure to include your bitcointalk  name in the email in the subject line or in your signature.
4. Post your bitcointalk forum name and Isracoin wallet address here:

That's it! We do not want to spam, do this one time per person. Allow 4 days to receive the  ISR.

Thank you very much, and let's get Isracoin on BTER!

Samker's Computer Forum -

[Task] [ISR] Isracoin - 15 ISR task
« on: 11. May 2014., 13:59:31 »


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