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Author Topic: 3 year VPN Plus Package for 19$ (<15€) - Android / Mac / Windows / iOS: 5 device  (Read 4365 times)

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I couldn't resist  O0


When it comes to online security, there’s no such thing as playing it safe. You take every possible measure to ensure that your personal details do not fall into the wrong hands. And how do you do this? Using your common sense is a good start. Think twice before you click on any link. Be a doubter. Follow these 10 safety tips .
The next step would be to bump your security up a notch by using a VPN service. VPNs route your Internet traffic through secure servers, basically hiding you and your private details from prying eyes. Since there’s no hardware restriction, you may use your VPN service from anywhere in the world — from the comfort of your own home, to your local café, even at a sushi bar in Tokyo. That’s convenience.
Get this deal now: VPN Unlimited Premium Plan for 3 years at just $19!
Most VPN providers encrypt your data using military grade encryption before it leaves your laptop or smartphone, so the world has no idea what you’re up to. Sure, you could use a free VPN service , but it’s a short term solution. Free VPN providers usually retard their services to provide their premium plans an edge — this could range from slowing the connection speed to limiting data transmission, forcing you to pay for their faster premium plans.
Today’s deal solves a whole bunch of these issues, and more. Plus it comes with an attractive price tag of just $19. That’s right — $19 buys you three years’ worth of VPN Unlimited Premium plan service . That works out to just $0.017 a day.
Let’s take a look at what you’ll get for $19.
No Limits
As the name probably implies, you’ll receive unlimited traffic bandwidth, and unrestricted connection speed, provided with the server of your choice. You won’t have to worry about not being able to hold a video conference because you’ve reached your limit. Or not being able to stream that online video because you’ve reached your limit. Or not being able to download the album you’ve been waiting for because you’ve gone over your bandwidth allocation. There are no limits.

READ CAREFULLY! After paying you are not done yet! You need to login with the email address you used to pay your order, there you have to activate the code you receive after paying... All details are there, but do read! :)

Tris: say goodbye to your VPN subscription... For the next 3 years I've got your back ;-)
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D., thanks for info. :thumbsup:


Tris: say goodbye to your VPN subscription... For the next 3 years I've got your back ;-)

By the way, where is Tris these days?  :'(


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By the way, where is Tris these days?  :'(

I'm busy with family stuff, and I'm not able to connect to the internet while I'm visiting my nephew.
But now I'm back. will caught up devvie tomorrow, when I finished this Cold, cough, and flu.  :'(

I couldn't resist  O0


When it comes to online security, there’s no such thing as playing it safe. You take every possible measure to ensure that your personal details do not fall into the wrong hands. And how do you do this? Using your common sense is a good start. Think twice before you click on any link. Be a doubter. Follow these 10 safety tips .
The next step would be to bump your security up a notch by using a VPN service. VPNs route your Internet traffic through secure servers, basically hiding you and your private details from prying eyes. Since there’s no hardware restriction, you may use your VPN service from anywhere in the world — from the comfort of your own home, to your local café, even at a sushi bar in Tokyo. That’s convenience.
Get this deal now: VPN Unlimited Premium Plan for 3 years at just $19!
Most VPN providers encrypt your data using military grade encryption before it leaves your laptop or smartphone, so the world has no idea what you’re up to. Sure, you could use a free VPN service , but it’s a short term solution. Free VPN providers usually retard their services to provide their premium plans an edge — this could range from slowing the connection speed to limiting data transmission, forcing you to pay for their faster premium plans.
Today’s deal solves a whole bunch of these issues, and more. Plus it comes with an attractive price tag of just $19. That’s right — $19 buys you three years’ worth of VPN Unlimited Premium plan service . That works out to just $0.017 a day.
Let’s take a look at what you’ll get for $19.
No Limits
As the name probably implies, you’ll receive unlimited traffic bandwidth, and unrestricted connection speed, provided with the server of your choice. You won’t have to worry about not being able to hold a video conference because you’ve reached your limit. Or not being able to stream that online video because you’ve reached your limit. Or not being able to download the album you’ve been waiting for because you’ve gone over your bandwidth allocation. There are no limits.

READ CAREFULLY! After paying you are not done yet! You need to login with the email address you used to pay your order, there you have to activate the code you receive after paying... All details are there, but do read! :)

Tris: say goodbye to your VPN subscription... For the next 3 years I've got your back ;-)

A little bit confuse here.
But I think seems similar to what I go through this right now.


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  • Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
    • - Samker's Computer Forum
By the way, where is Tris these days?  :'(
I'm busy with family stuff, and I'm not able to connect to the internet while I'm visiting my nephew.
But now I'm back. will caught up devvie tomorrow, when I finished this Cold, cough, and flu.  :'(


I'm sorry to hear that :( , I hope your nephew will be better soon...

Best Regards,


Samker's Computer Forum -


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