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Author Topic: #RT 1750+ @fluttercoin Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ GIVEAWAY | Proof of Transaction | #FlutterSPEED  (Read 19635 times)

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Fair Distribution. No Premine. No Instamine. No IPO. FlutterSPEED. FlutterSHARE.

It's not often one gets to promote a First!-coin, twice!

What is a First!-coin you might ask? Well, Fluttercoin was the first to introduce PoT - not to be confused with 'pot', another substance...   :P

TheKidCoin (the original developer) thought of a 3th way of doing 'business': PoT! What is PoT? It stands for Proof of Transaction, a new kind of 'mining' (or earning) cryptocurrency. You might have heard of PoW (Proof of Work: the classic mining). There's also PoS (Proof of Stake), a smart way to introduce a more energy efficient sort of mining. You could call this one just Interest / Dividend.
And don't think you can be smart by just pumping coins back and forth from wallet to wallet to beat the PoT system. The Kidcoin really thought this one out.
I'd consider it a 'dirty' hack and it works  :thumbsup: It all comes down to numbers and statistics. In the end, the most active 'user' (transferring from and to many different people) will get the most PoT rewards, which are taken out of the PoW rewards... Put differently, you could become a bank and earn money! I will reply on this article with more information. You will like it.

And for the impatient among us (that is everybody): no worry that downloading the blockchain is a pain in the day... FlutterSpeed is here for the rescue! Full synchronization within minutes...! That's right, no more idle waiting on blockchains that won't come. Start, be synced, use! I expect to see this pop up in other coins soon :)

And it doesn't stop now! They have many new feature to implement, or in discussion:
- 2FA Auth for big transfert (to limit hack danger)
- Dedicated sending address (wallet for big business or exchanges that can only send FLT to some pre-set address, so hacker would not be able to empty a wallet)
- Password recovery.
- Alternative anon mixer.
- BTC-FLT gateway
- Animation, sound and graphics (they want to use our colors and be cooooool  O0)
- Etc  :angel:


Fluttercoin: in the new generation of decentralization and open source, we learn from the success and mistakes of our past along with those of our fellow crypto communities to evolve into a new breed of currency. Imagine the power of the community behind Dogecoin and couple it with new innovation and powerful real use in the world and you might just have Fluttercoin!

They  were once a mere caterpillar. We've left our cocoon. Now it's time to spread our wings and fly!

From the [ANN]:
    Block 1 - 3263: Random 500 5000 (1 minute blocks)
    Block 3264 - 22000: Random 1000 10000 (Begin 2 minute blocks)
    Block 22001 - 34750: Static reward 5000
    Block 34751 - 39791: Static reward 2500
    Block 39792 - 44832: Static reward 1250
    Block 44833 - 49873: Static reward 625
    Block 49874 - 54914: Static reward 312.50
    Block 54915 - 59955: Static reward 156.25
    Block 59956 - 64996: Static reward 78.125
    Block 64997 - 70037: Static reward 39.0625
    Block 70038 - 332838: static reward 20
    Halving every 262800 blocks

                        ↳ visit whole ROADMAP

                        ↳ WHITEPAPERS


We the community control the voice and vision of fluttercoin. We decide as a community for the best of the community. Want to be heard? Get involved and your opinion will help shape the future of Fluttercoin.


The FLT Team and many of our community members have made significant contributions to Fluttercoin. Each member of the Team has their significant field of expertise and has found a way to help out with great commitment and hard work. The FLT Team made sure to have the community participating in the coin development. This is the main reason why Fluttercoin is recognized as having one of the strongest communities gathered around a crypto currency. Strongly backed community funded bounties for projects and marketing. Personal businesses and projects by Fluttercoin users catering to fluttercoin customers for discounts and special features


The fluttercoin community aims to be family and friendly safe.  Something that can cater to the general population of Facebook and Instagram users of all ages, gender, and race. Fluttercoin has a team of beautiful, smart, and sophisticated FLUTTERGIRLS who are working with us to promote Fluttercoin and show that cryptocurrency is not just for the boys :angel:. Bickering is a thing of the past. Flutter believes in debates and logic over arguments.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion and we all listen and communicate in a respectful way.


The Fluttercoin Team is proud to announce ‘FlutterSpeed’ and ‘FlutterShare’, the most recent features and improvements made to the Fluttercoin wallet to ensure the best for the future of Fluttercoin.
‘FlutterShare’ is a method of re-injecting funds towards the research, innovation, and development of Fluttercoin in the future. Fluttercoin users now have the option of sending a portion of its rewards through Proof-of-stake (one of the three hybrid mining solutions for securing the Fluttercoin network) towards the Team FLT development fund, or any other location that they prefer, be it an individual, charity, or other.

In further efforts to support steady developing income, Team FLT has a new dedicated Fluttercoin NOMP (Node-Open Mining Portal) at that is working permanently with 0% fees and all optional donations again going towards the Team FLT development fund.

Team FLT’s research found that two of the largest pet peeves for crypto-currency users are the slow process of synchronizing their wallet to the network and being behind on wallet updates. With this flaw, the FLT Team saw an opportunity to develop another pretty functional feature, ‘FlutterSpeed’, a new service that allows Fluttercoin users to download the Fluttercoin blockchain with blazing fast speed, drastically cutting the time in some reported cases by 500%; users can now use the full functionality of the Fluttercoin wallet with minimal downtime. Furthermore, whenever a new update is available, users will be alerted so that they can download and have the latest and greatest wallet at their disposal.

Several other ideas are currently and constantly being developed, including methods that cater to one of Fluttercoin’s greatest potentials, Proof-of-Transaction (PoT) and as always, Team FLT welcomes everyone to join in on the discussion and participate via Skype, BitcoinTalk, FluttercoinTalk, and other social media outlets to find out more or to answer any questions.

<<< GIVEAWAY >>>

Info:  about FLT | Specs | Downloads | Explorers | Exchanges | Pools | Web | Services | Follow | Buy | Play | News | Team

TASK 1: Create an online wallet address
You may do so with BTER or with Cryptsy.
Reply with your affiliate link and online wallet address.
Pays +100 $FLT

TASK 2: Try to win one of 50x 4000 $FLT prices :)
It is very easy. Introduce yourself here. Done with your reply there? Right click your #postnumber in the upper right corner of your reply. Copy that URL back to us. If your URL ends on #new, you did it wrong!.
Participate in the giveaway by posting your wallet address here (we don't need that URL).
Pays: 250 $FLT

MUST DO TASK 3: Follow-on-Twitter tasks :P
Create a screenshot that shows me you are following @fluttercoin.

Your screenshot shows them simply from the URL above... Twitter will show us if you are following them or not :)

You can upload your screenshot easily to Click the image after uploading and you have an URL that is easy to reply.
IF you use Google Chrome, you can use this great extension. It will automate the process for you.
IF and *only* IF you are *not* following more than 50 people on Twitter, you don't need to create and upload a screenshot. A link to your Twitter profile will do...
Pays: 150 $FLT

TASK 4: Tweet something I would retweet :angel:
Create 1 tweet with some interesting facts about #FlutterCoin to @fluttercoin and to @devnullius.
Right click the time stamp / full URL of your tweet and copy that back to us.
Pays: +225 $FLT

TASK 5: Reply on Bitcointalk
Go to the official [ANN] on BCT (I know, horrible forum, so do be careful!). Express your enthusiasm for Fluttercoin's SWEET FlutterSPEED and/or your ♥ for the Fluttercoin Revival. Feel feel to throw in a meme for TRIPLE payment! Use this code though when posting!
Code: [Select]
[img] [/img]This way people can *see* your image too :) After you posted, right click your post number and copy it back to us. IF your URL ends on "#new", you did it wrong and will be disqualified...!
PAYS: +100 $FLT +++ +200 $FLT (mention: "Task 5" in your reply)

TASK 6: Promote SCForum Giveaways

Promote this and other giveaways on Twitter (or any other social media outlet).
Your tweet is free to write, but MUST include this URL,50.0.html *and* MUST include '#Fluttercoin' (if not tweeting but otherwise posting, please change '#Fluttercoin' to the full link: ""). You could for example copy paste the original [ANN] to another forum. That would qualify you too... ;-)
Reply with the link(s) where you promote SCF and Fluttercoin. As many different fora or social media as you like! I will pay them all as separate entries... You can EARN BIG here  :o
PAYS: +50 $FLT (mention: "Task 6" in your reply)

Still some energy left??  ::) Want some more??  ;D

BONUS TASK 1: Create and tweet a Meme  8)
Create an original and funny meme (not used in Task 5!) about @FlutterCoin and share it with us on Twitter. Tweet it to @devnullius and to @Fluttercoin.
Sites where you can do this:,,,, ..., ...
Upload your meme as a photo to Twitter so everybody can see your hard, original work... :)
PAYS: +300 $FLT + BONUS +300 $FLT *IF* I retweet your meme! I almost always do though...  ::)

BONUS TASK 2: change your Avatar
Change your avatar to this image:

You may change your avatar on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit or any other *major* social network out there. We'll pay for each account you change :)

PAYS: +75 $FLT (mention: "Bonus Task 2" in your reply)

PAYS: +1 SCF Karma  :bih:

Still not enough??  :-[ We've got you!  :-*

BOUNTIES / TASKS (external):
Earn 15k or more!!!!

CRYPTOGURU-GROUP TASK: you may forego all previous tasks if you chose too!

Only thing you have to do is tweet / announce in the best way you know how to that there is another new giveaway on scforum, this time for $FLT #FlutterCoin. Reply here with a link to what you did and you get instant +1500! I *do* expect *quality* posts here... Noblesse oblige! ♥

Well, that was it folks! Hope you like my newest promo - I know I do and I am *very* proud to be promoting #Fluttercoin once more! Inventing PoT... 5 minute blockchain download... Gotta love it!  >:D
Do not forget to look at all the goodies below...!


Fluttercoin is a community driven triple hybrid coin and the very first to offer a highly secure network through:
Proof of Work (Mining), Proof of Stake (Investing), and its own highly innovative Proof of Transaction (Using).

This coin introduces Proof-of-Transaction Mining as another option to earn coins and also secure the blockchain.

  • Algorithm: Scrypt
  • PoW Supply: Approximately 200,000,000
  • PoS Rate: Minimum proof-of-stake interest rate is 5% per coin year
  • PoS Maturity Time: Minimum 30 days, Maximum 90 days
  • PoT Minimum Transaction Size: 1 FLT
  • PoT Occurence: 80%
  • PoT Rewards: 1 FLT/block (5% of the PoW reward)
  • Block Rewards: Static reward 20 FLT
  • Community Github:



Windows Installer
Windows 32bit
Windows 64bit


Linux 32bit
Linux 64bit

Code: [Select]
RPC Port: 7474
P2P Port: 7408







Changes (8/22/2014)

Wallet Updates - Code Completed in release

  • Qt5 migration - allows for more flexibility in wallet design and deployments
  • flutterspeed - fast blockchain sync
  • fluttershare - share some of you pos rewards with another flt address
  • updated check which notifies on new client release
  • updated subver for tracking peer version tracking
  • Staking icon fixes
  • Fixed issue where wallet is unlocked and you send coins and it relocks
  • Reduced alert time to 24hours
  • Reduced mining confirmation from 112 to 32
  • Fixed Mac minimizing bug
  • added Lock Wallet option in menu
  • Unlock wallet for staking - allows you to unlock the wallet for staking only, but prevents sending coins without entering the wallet passphrase
  • Lock wallet added to menu - allows securing wallet without needing to go through debug console, or stopping/starting the client
  • Bugfix for Staking icon - icon had a bug where it would not update after sending coins showing that it was staking but it was not.  Icon now updates when locking/unlocking properly

Future Wallet Updates

  • Sounds - add audio notifications to the wallet to provide feedback on a variety of items, syncing, receiving coins, sending coins
  • Icon Updates - update icons to provide a fresh wallet feel, also update mining, sending, receiving icons with icons that easily distinguish from PoT, PoS, and PoW transactions.
  • Ease of use enhancements, updating of notification system, adding additional menu items for commonly used features.
  • SMS Wallet - Allows for sending and receiving fluttercoin via text messaging
  • Wallet Integration of SMS - Allows for sending fluttercoin from existing wallet to SMS wallet easily, and ability to check the balance of the SMS Wallet
  • Updated Web Wallet - FLT currently has a web wallet.  This allows sending and receiving FLT via a web page, or mobile device.  This is currently supported, but additional work is necessary to make it easy to use.

Previous changes - latest release

  • Updated PoT code to handle how it checks for transactions
  • Updated alert and checkpoint keys
  • Modified PoT code to make it compatable with MacOSX Maverick and later
  • Modified MacOSx build configurations to simplify this so it will build properly
  • Updated Gitian build process
  • Added Weight field to coin control allowing to easily see mature blocks for staking.
  • Updated Fluttercoin loading icon to add proper transparency
  • Modified and added new DNSSeed nodes
  • Disabled IRC by default
  • Updated client to only sync with latest clients to prevent some sync errors.
  • Added a new checkpoint node to provide proper checkpointing
  • Updated some translations that were incorrect - one was 520 blocks for stake blocks to mature, it is 112

Project Manager - APCOINS
Lead Dev - Ofeefee
Assistant Dev - Slax0r
Assistant Dev - Michaeladair
Public Relations - DogeDigital

Public Relations - Soltangris
Forum Mod - Imbecileee
Forum Mod - KDioby
Multipool Op - IcarusGlider

Graphic Designer - pille
Main Fluttergirl - Minh

free icons by

  • Scrypt Algo
  • Earn Flutter Coins through Proof-Of-Work, Proof-Of-Stake, or Proof-of-Transaction mining.
  • There is no maximum number of coins, though roughly 200 million coins will be produced through POW

Sample fluttercoin.conf
Code: [Select]


RPC Port:  7474
P2P Port:  7408


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Fluttercoin Wants to Reward Your Spending: Interview with TheKidCoin

 David Parker  17/04/2014  Altcoins, Exclusive, Interviews, News

Fluttercoin’s logo reflects its three reward systems as well the cause-and-effect nature of some of the rewards.

One reality often grappled with in the digital currency sector is what’s seen as an unequal distribution of newly created bitcoins.

While Satoshi Nakamoto originally envisioned a currency everyone could participate in and be rewarded, powerful hashing-farms have muscled out even the most determined hobbyists – forcing them to mine more profitable alt-coins.

First came Scrypt – an algorithm promising to be ASIC resistant.  As Scrypt-ASICs are now entering the scene, the alt-coin market has responded by producing Scrypt-N, Proof of Stake, and now Proof of Transaction rewards. (Proof of Transaction whitepaper here)

While “Proof of Work” rewards computing power, and “Proof of Stake” rewards interest based on a user’s holdings, “Proof of Transaction” introduces the possibility of rewards based on completing a transaction – creating an inherent pressure to transact in coins implementing Proof of Transaction.


Launched in early March, Fluttercoin incorporates Proof of Work, Stake, and Transaction.  This “all-of-the-above” approach encourages a robust ecosystem for the coin.  Fluttercoin’s creator TheKidCoin told me,

I see POW as the miner’s system of rewards, POS as the investor or stake holder’s system of rewards, and POT as all of the above plus the everyday adopter of the coin’s system of rewards.

All three methods have their own merit for securing and facilitating transactions on the network.

Initially only POS/POT was envisioned for Fluttercoin, but with so many people invested in mining equipment, TheKidCoin felt a POW mining stage could help ensure a fair distribution for the coin.

Even with his change of heart, TheKidCoin has not forgotten the main purpose of creating Fluttercoin and Proof of Transaction,

The motivation  [...] was to create a currency where miners weren’t the only participants rewarded, as is the case with all other currencies.  The long-term success of a currency is with its acceptance as a method of payment, gift, or even donation.  Proof-of-transaction rewards the spending of fluttercoins, by giving adopters of the coin the opportunity to be rewarded by simply sending/receiving coins.

While simply rewarding users for transacting seems idealistic and easily exploited at face value, the way it is implemented in Fluttercoin seems to offer more of a psychological encouragement rather than a strict reward.

How Proof of Transaction Works

Every block that is mined will generate a certain hash, and each participant’s address is translated to hex format.

From each address, a “search term” of a few characters is selected.

Each node that receives the block will compare these search terms to the block hash, and when a match is found the address that generated the search term is rewarded a part of the reward from the following block.

TheKidCoin explains,

POT rewards are generated by chance 100% – which eliminated guessing etc.  It is always decided after a block is mined – and on the subsequent block it is rewarded.  However, POT verifies transactions on every POW block (and never on a POS block). The POT verification algorithm runs whether there is a reward or not, thus verifying that a miner did not try to disable POT to increase their reward, and that the transactions again are in the correct order, have the correct addresses, and that the coinbase reward is valid.

Because the reward is entirely random, this (among other features) discourages people from just sending transactions to themselves in order to be rewarded.

In this way, the Proof of Transaction reward is designed as a type of “points back” benefit for transacting in Fluttercoin; making it better than using other currencies, while leaving it as secure as possible.

What’s Next

Like everything else in the crypto-currency space, Fluttercoin is a work in progress.  TheKidCoin plans on continuing to evaluate reward structures and to adjust as necessary, building the wallet to optimize user experience, and integrating with a payment processor.

I personally think once POT is understood, it will lead future currencies to adopt it.  Some have suggested Fluttercoin should be weary of this – but open source is open source, and to me it’s actually a compliment to use my system in some way.  However, even before the coin was released, I was thinking up new ways to expand upon POT security and possible reward systems attached.

That is often the pitfall of open-source work – it requires some of the hardest work while providing minimal reward, but for TheKidCoin recognition is reward enough:

I hope that Fluttercoin not only is a huge success, but that it is the start of a new era in electronic currencies.  That is really is all I can hope for.

As long as people are willing to build on new ideas, Fluttercoin won’t be the last digital currency to take flight.
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-done as ibbenk21

-followed as @ibnubeee




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Thank you, I sent you both a qualification request - I hope Tris can pay you soon!

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task 1 :

task 2 :

task 3 : follow as @usupnaruto1 no screenshot because followers less than 50

task 4 :

task 5 :
             post as @onlyyou

SCF KARMA TASK : already follow as @usupnaruto1

task 6 :

bonus task 1 :

bonus task 2 change my avatar in twitter :
                                                   facebook :



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task 1 :

First payment is for you! +1525 (100 250 150 225 0 (#new) 50 2x300 2x75)



PS: you are now following 52... Congrats: next time, screenie for you too :) And do your best with the memes! Did not like this one very much, but fair is fair: I got you retweeted :)
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Task 1 - cryptsy address 

Task 2 - join / post in fluttertalk!&p=1699#post1699

Task 3 - followed  as @me528433

Task 4 - link to tweet

Task 6 - tweet re SCForum giveaways

Bonus task 2 - changed twitter avatar

Not sure what exactly you're looking for on the CryptoGuru task ("Only thing you have to do is tweet / announce in the best way you know how to that there is another new giveaway on scforum, this time for $FLT #FlutterCoin. Reply here with a link to what you did and you get instant +1500! I *do* expect *quality* posts here... Noblesse oblige! ♥") Where it's worth 1500, I don't want to skimp out. Got an example?



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Task 1 - cryptsy address 

100 250 150 225 0 50 0 75 = 850 FLUTTER total

IF you post your Cryptsy wallet address... ;-)

Not sure what exactly you're looking for on the CryptoGuru task ("Only thing you have to do is tweet / announce in the best way you know how to that there is another new giveaway on scforum, this time for $FLT #FlutterCoin. Reply here with a link to what you did and you get instant +1500! I *do* expect *quality* posts here... Noblesse oblige! ♥") Where it's worth 1500, I don't want to skimp out. Got an example?

CryptoGurus will understand ;-)

More information about bitcoin, altcoin & crypto in general? GO TO

Cuisvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore persevare... So why not get the real SCForum employees to help YOUR troubled computer!!! SCF Remote PC Assist


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Fair enough :)
Cryptsy FLT address is F6qQWJcctLGa7m9Jm9dzXQCNiZ88TTqmK2
Thank you!

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