Welcome to the first lottery organized by the staff of HamRadioCoin!
To participate just to respond to thread on
http://www.hamradiocoin.com/talk/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=34 by entering the address of your HAM wallet (and if you want to publish your callsign that would be great).
The December 25, 2014 at 08:00 pm (UTC + 1) we will extract four random numbers that correspond to the number of each post in response to this thread. we will choose 4 winners.
Prizes will be as follows:
1st place: A complete SDR receiver. With this device you can receive all radio transmissions from 23 to 1800 MHz, all mode (AM/FM/USB/LSB/CW etc.) After need to provide a shipping address, details via MP
This device can be used on Android, Windows and other operating systems with a USB port for external devices.
We will send you the full kit, USB receiver, antenna, external antenna adapter, CD with software or link to the free software. Just install the software and you can immediately use your new radio receiver. Generally there is no license requirement for receive-only devices.
2nd place: 7,500 HAM to your wallet
3nd place: 5,000 HAM to your wallet
4nd place: 2,500 HAM to your wallet
We would like to welcome you to the HamRadioCoin community and take the opportunity to wish you all happy holidays to you and your families.
Always remember, amateurs are all one big family and always available to anyone who is in trouble!