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Author Topic: Best cryptocurrencies on Web 3.0 technology to invest  (Read 1912 times)

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BuBu Lay

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What is the relationship with cryptocurrencies?

The Web3 would be built from the blockchain. This technology is not only used for cryptocurrencies, it is also used to conclude contracts or control the operation of applications (such as “DApps”, or “decentralized applications”).
As a reminder, this is a kind of register that contains the list of all the exchanges carried out between users. This register is decentralized that is to say stored on the servers of its users and very secure because it is based on a cryptographic system of validation by the users at each transaction. Hence the name “blockchain”.

In the case of Web3, this would make it possible, for example, to create financial assets, in the form of tokens, to ensure the internal functioning of each service. The platforms would therefore be operated, owned, and improved by communities of users.
We are one step away from Web 3.0. A new technical world full of decentralized services and emerging technologies will dominate this world. The benefit will be for blockchain networks of all kinds, and cryptocurrencies, of course. Not to mention other encrypted services such as NFT and Metaverse, which will have a central role in Web 3.0. Therefore, we offer you a selection of the most important cryptocurrencies that will have voracious use in Web 3.0.

Cryptocurrency Metahero Token HERO

The metaverse will be an integral part of Web 3.0. Especially the worlds of metaphysics built on decentralized blockchain networks. Among them is Metahero. The world of Metahero is a decentralized digital metaphysical world that will give you the opportunity for purely digital exploration. Metahero describes itself as the main gateway to the metaphysical world, and it is. Through its universe, you can explore this digital world and even participate in it by acquiring content. In general, the platform also has its own digital currency HERO which you can use within its metaverse in order to buy all the services of this world.

 Decentraland Token MANA

The Decentraland platform is also an integrated Metaverse world, and it recently gained popularity after a user purchased digital land inside the world at a price of over $100,000. Then one of them later bought an entire yacht inside Decentraland for $650,000. This propelled Decentraland to the rank of the best platforms for Web 3.0 and the metaverse world. There is a bright future ahead of the Decentraland platform. As for the best, this platform has its own currency called MANA that you can acquire, which is what the Decentraland platform is famous for.

Cryptocurrency GXG Metaverse Gaming project Token

Web 3.0 aims to decentralize and have all aspects of technology provide decentralized services. This means social media platforms, operating systems, play-to-earn services, virtual world entertainment, websites, and more. So we have the GXG Metaverse Gaming project, which is a decentralized metaverse environment bundled with gaming and cryptocurrency investment. GXG metaverse gaming platform is transparent and innovative in which the gamers can play original games or develop their own games and socialize with each other between players and developers. By developing the platform together with Web 3.0, its services will be easier and more convenient. This project has a cryptocurrency named GXG token, By acquiring it, you will be able to support the GXG Metaverse Gaming project.

MAsk Network cryptocurrency

What has made the current Internet or Web 2.0 really popular are the social networking platforms and sites of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. And it will be difficult in Web 3.0 to let go of social networking services, that's why the Mask Network project brings customizations to social media platforms. Thanks to the project, data, messages and content shared on social media platforms will be encrypted. The beginning of the project was based on encrypting messages and content on Twitter, and it was somehow able to achieve this. This project has its own currency, which is the MASK coin, the current price of which is around $12.

Storage services, especially cloud storage, will also be necessary and mandatory in Web 3.0 to obtain services in which you can store your data in a decentralized and freeway. In fact, many projects are working in this direction, among them the Storj project. Storj tries to provide decentralized cloud storage features, maintain your privacy, and make it easier for you to access files in the cloud through decentralized services. You can also invest in this SOTRJ cryptocurrency in order to support the project, which through its development, the development of the currency and your profits also increase.

That is about the relation between cryptocurrencies and coming technology Web 3.0 which will be the best convenient way of connecting between world wide web technology and future cryptocurrencies investment. Hope you can prepare for your future investments by reading this.

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Re: Best cryptocurrencies on Web 3.0 technology to invest
« Reply #1 on: 24. May 2023., 16:41:38 »
I think Bitcoin is still number one since their circulating supply and maximum supply are always number one, so you can trade this at FreshForex broker for a competitive spread charge.

Samker's Computer Forum -

Re: Best cryptocurrencies on Web 3.0 technology to invest
« Reply #1 on: 24. May 2023., 16:41:38 »


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