I have been thinking about your problem. I was wondering what other processes are you running when you are running this game. If you haven't tried out this autoruns.exe program I have recently spoke about, it might be a good idea. To give you an idea what this does, it tells you what is currently running on your computer with better discriptions then task manager. So give it a try, you might be surprised what you find. You could have some software in the background doing some major processing that you don't need done. I really don't know the problem you are seeing but maybe this will give you some insight on what your computer is doing. Also you might consider doing a memory test on the new ram you have put in and on your video card. I recently build a new system and it kept rebooting on me. Stuff was laggy as well, come to find out that the video memory was bad so I had to get a new video card. These are just some troubleshooting ideas to find the problem. Hope they help. Good luck in finding the issue.