I put ubuntu on a windows 8 (urgh) acer aspire, v5 122p
It is not duel boot by default, I ended up wiping windows 8 (horray!)
The trouble started about 2 months after, I think it as after deleting the main account (I made 3).
Bios, I think, could not read the HD .. it was too far back. Sometimes it worked.
Now it's dead. I tried all the disc remedy stuff recommended by ubuntu. Nothing.
I even took the HD out and formatted it again ith Windows 7 in a different computer. Nothing.
Should I get it fixed?
Throw it away?
A new one only costs 300 dollars. I also live in one of the most expensive places in the world which is expensive hen you get little services like this done (on account of it being backward. So a repair would be expensive unless really obvious and easy.